Secret Agent Beauty Just in Time for Skyfall, November 9th
ames Bond movies are classic. Just one glimpse of 007 in his tailored suits and wielding his secret weapons are enough to drive women crazy. I personally love Thunderball and Casino Royale…those should be part of any Bond lovers collection. The trailer for the latest installment, Skyfall, doesn’t disappoint, either….
Though Bond is always hotter than a 4th of July picnic in Georgia, the Bond girls are nothing to sneeze at, either. They are are usually three things: beautiful, intimidating, and named something slightly naughty or ridiculous. (Remember Honey Rider and Dr. Molly Warmflash?)
So, in celebration of the new Skyfall release slated for November 9th here in the U.S., I decided to try a new set of lip products called Secret Agent Beauty. The lip treatment products boast increased collagen production with the use of peptides, locks in moisture, and inhibits fine lines and wrinkles. The plumpers are loaded with fatty acids to reduce dry, flaky skin.
But the colors and plumping levels are what really drew me in.
Kiss-Kiss Rendezvous, Diamond Girl Detective-a crystal clear shine, Agent Golden Spy-with real gold flakes, Agent Lips-Galore, Pretty-Pink Provocateur-a subtle light pink, and Foreign Intelligence Flirt (my fav!) are some of the cutest names for lip products, no? Some are lip plumpers (with different levels of plumping so you can go from a slight pout to full on Angelina,) and some are lip treatments to make your lips silky. One thing is for sure, you’ll feel sexier with these on. The plumpers are some of the best I’ve ever seen. So, before you head out on a secret mission…or just to see Skyfall in a few weeks, have one of these lovilies in your arsenal. There’s nothing more dangerous than sporting a sexy, glossy pair of lips-they can always be your weapon of choice.