The Short Film Pursuit: Die Hard, But With Louboutins
hen our rather hip and stylish CEO sent me the short film “Pursuit“, I was enraptured. It took three views before I caught on to the entire angle, but that made it all the more interesting when I caught scintillating details with each new view.
Created by Moonwalk Films and two hopelessly creative geniuses, Suzie Q and Leo Siboni, this short film is high on style, drama, and suspense…and all within a three minute time frame. Suzie Q & Leo met while studying at Ecole des Gobelins, Paris, in 2005. Not short on inspiration, these two created fashion fueled short films that garnered awards and attention that surpasses just the fashion community.
These fascinating filmmakers describe their short film simply: “PURSUIT is inspired by a sequence in DIE HARD with Bruce Willis. It’s a bit of a remake, but with models instead of actors, and a banquet room instead of the Nakatomi building set. We thought the original scene was very fashion – the character is walking on the table as on catwalk. And then we played with cuts, changing the clothes in the midst of the scene. You can see the girls are changing outfits all the time.”
The wardrobe is truly as exciting as the plot, so feast your eyes on high fashion that is to die for.
(Don’t let your eyes miss those Louboutins. You’ll regret it.)