Posted August 29, 2012 by Caitlin Clark in Beauty

DIY Twinkly Birch Tree (Bring the Outdoors In)

rise restaurant dallas (courtesy of the


ne of my favorite things about going out to eat in the summertime is sitting outside. I’m a sucker for a good patio but what I love more than anything are trees with twinkly lights. Luckily, Dallas has mastered that art, with Highland Park Village being the shining example.

I was recently at Rise no. 1, one of my very favorite places on earth, when I was struck with a very Pinteresty idea. If you’ve been to Rise, you know the inside is decked out with a lot of fabulous little knick knacks, including rows of birch trees covered in twinkly lights, lanterns, little bird houses and more. They claim that you can buy everything in the restaurant, so I bought a tree.

This is not as easy at it sounds. You get your name on a list and have to wait until Rise gets a fresh batch of trees, which could take several weeks. The best part is that when you call the restaurant, you get connected with the owner, a fabulous woman who can rock a tunic like no one I’ve ever met. Each tree is sold separately and cost about $100 each so I ordered one to start.

What you will need:

–       A birch tree

–       Twinkle lights

–       Lanterns

DIY Birch Tree

DIY Birch Tree

It fit perfectly into the corner of my room. I love turning off all the lights and turning on my “tree” to watch a movie or read before I fall asleep. I plan on slowly adding more to that corner, but for now it’s the coolest lamp I’ve ever had.

Caitlin Clark

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Caitlin Clark is contributing author and Social Media Director for YouPlusMedia, focusing primarily on Style, Uptown, and Arts and Entertainment.