Author Archive
Bath Salts – Do It Yourself Recipe to Make Your Own
eelin' crafty? Bath salts are a great way to get your "Do It Yourself" on and treat yourself to relaxation at the same time. You can buy beautiful bath salts and bath bombs at Whole Foods, Lush, and othe...
How to Make Your Own Bath Fizzies
eelin' crafty? Bath fizzies are a great way to get your DIY on and treat yourself to relaxation at the same time. You can buy beautiful bath bombs at Whole Foods, Lush, and other specialty stores, but if...
Party Planning in Dallas Just Got Easier
hen celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson, and the infamous Kardashian family visit Dallas, they have a team of experts plan every detail of their trip. From arranging limousine pick-up at the airport...
“Thank You” Etiquette for Stylish Chicks
hank you just never goes out of style. In a busy, fast-paced Facebook world, we often forget to properly thank those who do nice things for us, but the truth of the matter is: you should. Always. No except...
Beauty Investments Worth Making
ou get what you pay for is a saying that I truly believe in when it comes to most things. When it comes to your skin and anti-aging, you can't be too diligent or too overprotective. Spending more up fron...
Five Fashionable Things To Do This Weekend
like lists. Lists make me feel more organized, even if I'm not. This list of five fashionable things to do this weekend can be your guideline to do something special for yourself....and make you feel mo...
Fashion for A New Day: Give Back Where it Counts
ne of our favorite locally-based designers, Ming Wang, is sponsoring a fabulous Fort Worth event that you don't want to miss. On October 25th at the Colonial Country Club, New Day Services will present...
Dots are Hot…and Here’s How To Nail Them
olka-dots are young, fun, and can often be tres chic. From beautiful polka-dot numbers on these celebs....
To polka-dot patterns in bright, sunny bedrooms....
To making nails a statement to rem...
Crazy Beauty Tricks and Tips
'm a girl who is willing to try almost any new beauty tip to see if it's all its cracked up to be, so when these came across my desk, I had to share. From tea bags to liqui-gels, saving a few bucks to look...
Lady Gaga Pregnant? All Signs Point To….
es. It's not official, but she has been sporting a fuller figure, less hair dye, and rumored to have vomited at a recent concert. Could it be? A little monster could indeed be on its way.
Kelly Osbour...