Five Fashionable Things To Do This Weekend
like lists. Lists make me feel more organized, even if I’m not. This list of five fashionable things to do this weekend can be your guideline to do something special for yourself….and make you feel more nerdy chic. (Or take it all the way and download a free list app, like iProcrastinate Mobile.)
#1: Buy a fall nail color. OPI Espresso is around $8, and will last you the entire fall season. Paint your nails yourself and relive those childhood memories of playing nail salon.
#2: Deep condition your hair with coconut oil on Sunday night. Wash your hair, slather the ends with organic coconut oil, and then place your hair in a shower cap. Apply heat from your hair dryer over the shower cap for around 10 minutes, and then rinse the oil out. Shampoo, condition, and dry your hair as usual. You’ll notice a difference right away!
#3: Get your pantry some Fig Paste. Yes, fig paste. Find it at the grocery store (or make your own!) and use it as an addition to your cheese, wine, and small bites tray. This is the new fashionable party food!
#4: Gold leaf a mason jar for shimmery, gold goodness. Something about this intrigues me….it’s the perfect mix of low-end function with high-end gloss. Find out how to do this easily at
#5: Browse the toy store. You may think it sounds ridiculous, but the toy store can be a surprising place to find fashion inspiration. Barbie does it best, but you can find other dolls and toys with great color, pattern, and style combos that will get your fashion juices flowing. Have you ever seen a more lovely Barbie ensemble? Gorge.
Hilary Kennedy