Dallas January Shopping Guide: Boutiques
ow that we don’t have to suffer the inevitable shame that comes from telling the salesperson that you don’t need your purchase gift-wrapped and yes, we can finally get back to guiltless shopping for ourselves. The zillions of sales ain’t hurting the cause.
%40 to %50 percent off all clothing (ALL OF IT) for the entire month of January.
Get a free scarf when you spend $100. Easily done.
75% off select merchandise
70% off select merchandise
Until Saturday, January 19: Buy one item, get the second item %50 off
30-75% off select merchandise starting January 12
dallas shopping Forty-five Ten january shopping Krimson & Klover l. bartlett melanie gayle original octane piermarini shopping guide
Caitlin Clark

Caitlin Clark is contributing author and Social Media Director for YouPlusMedia, focusing primarily on Style, Uptown, and Arts and Entertainment.
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