Fit for Fashion in 2011 with Brian Johnson

oday I want to introduce Brian Johnson, co-owner of The Movement Dallas. Brian is giving us some great reminders this week in our Weekend Fashion Plan of Action on how we can look and feel better in our clothes. He is the guy who was probably voted “Most Likely To Help People Reach Their Potential” in high school. I thought it might be nice to get to know Brian a little better….heck, he may even give us more tidbits on good nutrition, workout tips, and perhaps a yummy recipe or two so we can squeeze into this season’s sequin mini. (Or a super tight tee if you’re a dude.) So, without further adieu, here is my quick Q&A with fitness guru, Brian….
Favorite restaurant in Dallas? Bolsa
Best piece of fitness advice? Know your limits and work within them.
Best piece of nutrition advice? Keep it REAL… as in real food.
If you could spend the day doing anything, what would it be?
Touring a city that I have yet to travel to. (I haven’t been anywhere in CA!)
What do you love most about your job? Watching people unfold and discover their true potential.
Describe The Movement’s philosophy. Results first, beliefs second! A holistic approach with a well-rounded program specific to your body, your life and your goals.
You have $500 to spend on anything you’d like. What do you buy? Vitamix Blender… Oh yes.
Trashiest television indulgence? Pawn Stars, Tosh.0, Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares
Blog you adore reading? Walking The Road Less Traveled, Cultures for Health, Brian Speaks (shameless plug)
Valuable lesson you learned in 2010? To listen to my gut (heart) more. I have a tendency to over analyze and take the ‘over-thought’ route.
What plans do you have for your company in 2011?
To build a true lifestyle ‘hub’ that incorporates all things local; food, art, movement and music. To move to a space more suited to accomplishing these things. To build more community around The Movement Dallas.
Check out my favorite Movement Dallas recipe!
For more wisdom and fitness knowledge, check out Brian’s blog, Brian Speaks: