Pinterest TV Brings Your Favorite Pins to Life
ou’re favorite online activity comes to life with Pinterest TV, brought to you by and hosted by Hilary Kennedy. This adorable web series takes some of the most pinworthy ideas and shows you how it’s done in less than 5 minutes. If you’re like me, it doesn’t matter how obsessed you are with that guilt-free recipe or adorable craft you’ve just pinned, you’re most likely going to pin it and forget it. Pinterest TV takes the pins you love and shows you that they’re so much more than just pretty pictures.
Each episode of Pinterest TV brings you a pinspired project, pinteresting people, a celebrity pin of the week, and explores the general pinsperation that comes from carefully crafting each board on your page. Each episode leaves you feeling so inspired that it’s all you can do not to drop everything and start your next project ASAP.
For more pinsperational Pinterest TV, check out their YouTube channel and let your obsession with all things pinworthy continue.