hoever decided to open a blowout bar within walking distance of SMU is brilliant. Drybar should have considered it. With the endless amount of formals, boulevards, and Thursday nights to look your best for, I can only imagine how many times I would have visited the adorable La Bichette when I was in college.

A Little French Lesson For You:
La Bichette / the little doe
souci de soi / looking your best
atelier / workshop
The adorably French-themed blow out bar was started by a mother daughter duo who know that souci de soi is of the utmost importance. Nothing makes a girl feel more glamorous and confident than a great head of hair, but La Bichette doesn’t stop there. They’ll do your regular blowout styles distinguished with appropriately French names, but they’ll also include hair treatments, full-face makeup, or more complex styles like a beautiful milkmaid braid or a chignon. The ladies of La Bichette also make house calls.
The mother daughter duo’s chic salon embodies a time when glamour, grace, class and confidence went hand in hand, but they have never let their devotion to beauty get in the way of their beliefs. The devout animal enthusiasts have ensured that La Bichette is firmly against animal testing and does their best to use products that are made in the USA.
Book a simple blowout or a soirée with the girls. Every girl, no matter their age, deserves to feel gorgeous, glamorous and as chic as a box of macarons.
(photos courtesy of John Cain Photography, read his entire article on La Bichette here)