Dallas Fashion Designer Abi Ferrin
ames Truslow Adams once said the American Dream is ‘that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man (and woman), with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.’ In modern day Dallas, there is no better example of the American success story than our very own Abi Ferrin. Over the last ten years, Ferrin confronted personal and financial obstacles that would have doomed most small businesses. Today, Ferrin is within days of launching her clothing line in Nordstrom stores nationwide.
The fashion line reflects Ferrin’s personal commitment to dress and empower real women. The core message of her designs – Fashion with Freedom and Purpose – reflects her commitment to helping others. The Abi Ferrin brand incorporates elements in her designs, such as her signature hand-carved buttons, made by women rescued out of oppressive and abusive environments.
Ferrin’s clothing line is remarkably versatile, including five-way dresses and tops made to flatter and empower every woman. “I want women to put on the pieces we design, and feel great about themselves,” says Ferrin of her collection. July 15th will mark the official nationwide launch of the Abi Ferrin line at Nordstrom. With this launch, one of our own will hit the big time.