ooking for a dog-friendly Halloween party? This Saturday, Sundown at Granada and CultureMap are hosting Bark-tober for guests and their dogs. Any event that includes a dog parade is fine by me and since there’s nothing better than a dog in a costume (particularly a pug), I’ve scoured the Internet for the cream of the crop in spirited pooch attire.

iPug. For the tech lover.

Spider Pug. For those who believe Halloween costumes are meant to be scary.

Flower Pug. A simple costume.

Snookie Pug. Complete with slippers and (ew) cleavage.

Unipug. Your pug will stay so warm and cozy.

Sushi Pug. For those who have wanted to do a couples costume with their pug for years.
For more information on Bark-tober, go to SundownatGranada.com
(photos via)