Money Saving Home Tips
ith costs up and finances down, it’s a great time to find new ways to take care of things creatively (read: cheaply). With the internet brimming with fun facts and tried and true tips that can save you a few bucks here and there, I’ve put together a short list of money savers you may not know about.
According to Bib and Tucker, you can get rid of stains in fabrics like silk, wool, and nylon. Stains will stick to these fabrics, so in addition to diluting the stain, you need to bleach it so you can’t see it or use an acid to release it.
Try a mixture of:
- 2 C warm water
- 1 T white vinegar or lemon juice
- 1 T dish soap (something neutral like Dawn- do not use the soap for your dishwasher or ammonia- they will form a salt that is really difficult to remove)
Reapply this treatment until the stain is removed then wash as usual. Do not put the item in the dryer unless the spot has been completely removed.
Courtesy of “One Good Thing“, discover the miracle of baking soda and peroxide. Put 1/4 cup of baking soda in a bowl and add enough peroxide to make a paste. Rub on with fingers or sponge. Cleans your stove, oven, pans, stainless steel applicances, even the white handles of the refrigerator door.
The Penny Parlor has a major budget saving tip for craft-lovers who make wreaths for every holiday. Head to the plumbing department at Home Depot or Lowes and grab a six foot long piece of foam tubing for $.97. Snip the length you want with scissors and duct tape the ends together. You have a really inexpensive wreath form to use as your base. You may be able to get three to four wreaths out of one piece.
Though fancy labels are at the height of popularity, they don’t all have to be chic to be helpful. Label cords to avoid unplugging the wrong thing with old plastic bag ties. Write the cord name on the tie in black sharpie, and rest easy knowing your hot mess of cords is now appropriately identified.
Enjoy saving a little scratch and being cleaner, more organized, and ready to tackle anything.