Pretty Little Liars’ Fashion Don’ts and Dos
esides watching old reruns of The Hills, one of my favorite guilty pleasures is Pretty Little Liars. Perhaps it stems from my early adoration of Nancy Drew, but I am obsessed with these four teen sleuths wh...
Katy Perry’s Future Fashion Aspirations Keeping Her From American Idol?
aty Perry is white-hot at the moment. Her new documentary, “Part of Me” is in theaters, her new single “Wide Awake” is topping the charts, and her divorce from Russel Brand is now becoming a distan...
Emily Maynard’s Bachelorette Style: The Good and the Bad
will unashamedly admit that I am obsessed with The Bachelorette. I have a conniption anytime my DVR fails to record it. As much as I love and root for every Bachelorette, Emily Maynard has quickly become my...
Unbelievable Marriage Proposal Video
n case you need to goof off for a few minutes on this Friday afternoon, watch this incredible marriage proposal. This is insanity at its best. Would you have loved or hated this?
Toddlers and Tiaras: Fashionably Fun or Just Plain Wrong?
s someone who has seen a few episodes of the TLC hit Toddlers and Tiaras I find myself confused about the premise of these child beauty pageants and what exactly they are preparing these little ones for in ...
Inspiration Party Pics
e are all thrilled that one of our favorite employees here at YouPlus, Emili, has come back into the fold after a brief stint to further her education. We're so happy she's returned that we feel like...
DIY: Cute Thanksgiving Place-Setting
t isn't too soon to start planning out a few creative things to add to your Thanksgiving table this year. When I came across these adorable turkey and pilgrim hat place-settings that you can easily do ...
Halloween Homemade Treats: Peanut Butter Oreo Brownie Bar
fter so many great responses to the S'mores Pie recipe posted earlier this month, it only seems fitting that one more delectable recipe be available to those of you who are in the mood to bake deliciousl...
Documentary ‘DRESSED’ Descends on Big D This Week
RESSED, the inspiring documentary about self-taught clothing designer Nary Manivong, who defied the odds of a broken childhood and homelessness to ultimately show his collection at New York’s famed Fas...
Ken and Barbie: Happily Ever After
have to admit, it was a hard day for me when I heard Ken and Barbie broke up. When they got back together this year, it was as if the Heavens had opened and my life suddenly made sense again. And now......