Posted November 12, 2012 by Caitlin Clark in Beauty

Is Britney Spears Wearing a Wig? Plus, Other Wig-Wearing Celebs


robably one of my most embarrassing moments took place freshman year of college during rush. I was sick and tired of waking up early enough to beat the other girls in my dorm to the showers and it was starting to take its toll. I was in a particular sorority house when a very polite sorority girl asked me question.

“What’s it like in the dorms right now?”

… to which I said…

“Oh my gosh the shower situation is such an issue. Sometimes I wish I could just cut off all my hair and wear a wig instead.”

Maybe that would have flown with some girls, but not this one. Needless to say I was not invited back to this particular house the next day and I decided that although I thought the idea was perfectly valid, I should probably keep it to myself.

katy perry blue wig

courtesy of

Then came Katy Perry who is completely embracing the wig idea and more recently, this photo of Britney Spears from a shoot with Lucky magazine. Her hairline is noticeably lower and while your hair may grow overnight, your hairline should probably stay where it is.

brintey spears lucky photo shoot

Credit- Ben Watts:Lucky

I’m not saying Brit is always wearing a wig, I’m guessing she generally sticks to hair extensions, but she certainly was wearing one that day! Maybe she just didn’t want to shower that morning.

Britney isn’t that only celeb donning a false mane. Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj (McDuh) are all proud of their wig wearing ways. Even Adele told Anderson Cooper that she not only wears wigs, but she has names for them.

adel pretty

Wonder what the name of this one is? – photo courtesy of

I wish I could have informed my freshman self of all the celebrity hair developments in the near future, I would have been so well rested.

Caitlin Clark

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Caitlin Clark is contributing author and Social Media Director for YouPlusMedia, focusing primarily on Style, Uptown, and Arts and Entertainment.