On Trend: How to Wear Lace
hether used as an accent or the centerpiece, lace played a big role in almost all of the spring 2013 runway shows. I found this pretty disheartening, since I have literally no lace in my closet. None. I’ve just never been able to convince myself that I look good in lace, and not like a 7-year-old, or a wannabe streetwalker. Lace can be so elegant and chic, but it can also be a one-way ticket to Trashville*.
I’ll give any trend a go at least once, but after finding some of these adorable ways to wear lace; I think I might be lacin’ up on the reg.
*Trashville: where Snooki buys slippers and Amanda Bynes shops for wigs
Dolce & Gabbana Lace Cat-Eye Sunglasses