Amanda Bynes: a Cry for Help?
o be honest, I haven’t been paying much attention to Amanda since She’s the Man, because that was probably the last time she looked good. The blonde hair and creepy stiffness from Hairspray and Easy A were not working for me, and I just stopped caring.
But then my sister g-chatted me a link to her Twitter and I was like, “no.” Clearly I wasn’t the only one who had neglected to pay attention to Amanda. Her stylist had clearly failed her as well as any actual friends, because friends don’t let friends say this:
“I have a crush on who I used to be.”
Uh, yeah, me too. I remember thinking that “Ask Ashley” was full of sage wisdom and “Moody’s Point” had some deep, underlying genius to it. And then there was “She’s the Man”; so quotable.
“Does she have your number, 1-800-Biotch?”
But something has clearly happened. Then, she could get Channing Tatum to take her to her deb ball. Now, she’s wearing fishnets to adult gymnastics class and bursting into tears when her “dark-colored wig” falls off mid cartwheel.
Then there was this video of her getting ready, or something, which took it to a whole new level. Mandy has clearly lost it, which I guess should have been obvious. If piercing your cheeks and tweeting “twerking out” seven times in two weeks isn’t a cry for help, nothing is.
But through all the drama, there are still some Amanda Bynes advocates out there. Namely, Kim and Khloe Kardashian.
Kim: “Am I the only one who is obsessed with her new makeover? I think she looks amazing with the blonde hair and the nails.”
Khloe: “I like to wear fishnets to the gym, I don’t think that’s abnormal, I love it.”
Okay, maybe. But then Mandy took to Twitter and ruined it with this weird tweet:
“I love the beautiful Kardashian sisters! I wish E picked better photographs of me! I feel pregnant when I’m fat! I’m working out constantly!”
When you use that many exclamations points, Amanda, it’s like you’re yelling at me…
{photo via}