Posted September 27, 2012 by Caitlin Clark in Celebrity

Why I Want to be Kim Kardashian’s Cat for a Day


while back I tweeted – “Mercy” has to have something to do with Kim Kardashian. I mean “a**quake”? Come on. #kimye. – 

Pardon my language. It was not my own. I don’t think I could have come up with that one if I tried. After the world’s most adorable kitten was gifted from Kanye to Kim and named Mercy, my tweet was validated. I am a devoted Kimye fan. I make sure any KUWTK episode with even a threat of a Kanye gets recorded. So obviously I am thrilled about this perpetually anxious looking cat.

I want in

Further feeding into my Mercy obsession is the person who created the parody Twitter, Kim Kardashian’s Kat. Thank you, person. Some of Mercy’s choicest tweet replies:

@KimKardashian I don’t think Mercy wants me on the computer anymore.

Mercy: She Googles herself all day long


@KimKardashian Hey @Cody Simpson where u at? I’m in Sydney! Heading to the gold coast next!

Mercy: Stop ending sentences with prepositions!


@KimKardashian The cat in the hat

Mercy: Can you tell I hate this? And bright pink? Have mercy.


@KimKardashian Mercy wants the iPhone 5

Mercy: Siri, Kill me.


Mercy may not be lovin it at the Kardashian casa, but that cat is going to be getting a front row seat to Kardashian chaos and Kimye magic. Hence, I want a day as this precious little kitten poof. Just a day.

(Photos via

Caitlin Clark

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Caitlin Clark is contributing author and Social Media Director for YouPlusMedia, focusing primarily on Style, Uptown, and Arts and Entertainment.