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Posts Tagged ‘Fashion Group International’

Stacey Schieffelin talks about empowerment through sharing with Dallas’ Fashion Group International

his past Wednesday afternoon a group ladies of Dallas’ chapter of Fashion Group International arrived at Champagnes Luxe for lunch and a chance to hear Stacey Shieffelin speak about her success and experie...
FGI career day - stephanie george
FGI career day - stephanie george
FGI career day - stephanie george

FGI Career Day Fosters and Inspires Rising Stars in the Fashion Industry

or 45 years, Fashion Group International of Dallas’ Career Day has attracted thousands of fashion and lifestyle industry hopefuls. The largest and longest-running fashion event of its kind, Career Day ...


TOOTSIES Welcomes Designer David Peck

his week, February 13-14th to be exact, TOOTSIES Dallas will be hosting an in-store appearance with David Peck to showcase his 2013 Spring CrOp collection. To put into perspective just how exciting it is...
chasing beauty fgi dallas
chasing beauty fgi dallas
chasing beauty fgi dallas

FGI Dallas Presents Chasing Beauty

his Thursday, January 24, Fashion Group International of Dallas will support a screening of Chasing Beauty: The Ugly Side of Being Pretty at the Spring Valley Studio Movie Grill....


Dallas’ Fashion’s Night Out 2012

ashion’s Night Out originally began in New York City in 2009 to celebrate fashion, restore consumer confidence, and boost the industry’s economy during the recession. Today, Fashion’s Night Out has gro...

The FNO Experience: How Many Events Can a Girl Attend in One Night?

ouPlusDallas was on a mission last night: to cover as many Fashion’s Night Out parties as we could. My feet are still crying because of it, but it was well worth it to see all the mini-parties, decked out ...


Fashion Group International Awards

Dedicated to helping its members succeed in their fashion careers, Fashion Group International Dallas showcases individuals and companies who are superstars in the fashion and lifestyle related fields. An outstanding runway s...

We’re heading out for Fashion’s Night Out!

ll right folks it’s finally here, Dallas’ 2012 Fashion’s Night Out!  The number of fabulous events happening tomorrow night is a littleoverwhelming so I wanted let you know about some of the ones You...