Posts Tagged ‘trina turk’
We’re heading out for Fashion’s Night Out!
ll right folks it’s finally here, Dallas’ 2012 Fashion’s Night Out! The number of fabulous events happening tomorrow night is a littleoverwhelming so I wanted let you know about some of the ones You...
Fashion’s Night Out 2011
Fashion’s Night Out is an annual worldwide event that honors all things fashion. Last September, 250 U.S. cities held FNO events, and 16 foreign countries celebrated as well. in Dallas, stores such as Neiman Marcus and Tootsi...
Fashion Night Out 2011 at Highland Park Village
Fashion’s Night Out is an annual worldwide event that honors all things fashion. This September, 250 U.S. cities held FNO events, and 16 foreign countries celebrated as well. in Dallas, stores such as Neiman Marcus and Tootsi...
Trina Turk Does Dallas
f you ventured to Highland Park Village on Fashion's Night Out, you probably couldn't help but notice the frenzy over the new Trina Turk boutique. The label is beloved by celebs and stylish shoppers for its ...